Attention: An URGENT message for anyone in pain…

How To Eliminate Pain Now Without Having To Learn Complicated Exercises, Take Hand Fulls Of Expensive Pills, Or Go Under The Knife 
Wipe Out Muscle, Nerve And Joint Discomfort In 30 Minutes Using This Strategy
Earseeds are a safe, fast and effective therapy for eliminating pain.

And now you can try Earseeds for FREE.  Just pay $9 shipping.
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Have Chronic Pain?  Don't Skip Reading This

From Chad Walker, L.Ac
Watsonville, Ca

Dear friend,

I'm Chad Walker and I'm a Board Certified Acupuncturist. 

If you've been living with chronic pain then you need to what I'm about to tell you.

...  but only if you're ready to live pain free!

I'm going to show you exactly how to get out of pain right now and why what you've already tried didn't work.

As an acupuncturist I've worked with a lot of patients and there are three mistakes they all make.

Three Mistakes Everyone Makes With Chronic Pain
Don't Let These Mistakes Make Your Pain WORST

1. They think they can just stretch the pain away.

Stretching is great for preventing injuries and pain but is the LAST things you should be doing when you're already in pain. 

Usually this just make the pain worst.

2. They take fist fulls of expensive useless supplements.

People think that there's some magic ingredient that will snap their pain away if they just take enough of these pills. 

Usually all they're doing is literally flushing these expensive supplements down the toilet whenever they go to the bathroom.

3. They think they should just give up and get surgery.

Sometimes pain can go on long enough that surgery is the last choice left.. 

...  but too many of my patients have tried to start at surgery thinking it's the safest and easiest answer when it couldn't be further from the truth. 

The ones that do get the surgeries often are left with months of slow painful recovery switching one pain for another.

There Is ONE SECRET Holding You Back From Pain Relief

See, people make these three mistakes because they don't know the one secret to why their bodies are really in pain.

And the secret is this...

Your body is in pain because your body is actually trying to protect you.

See when we're in pain our nervous system will light up and literally "guard" the painful area. 

When it does this, all of the muscles around the injury get distorted and tense leading to even more pain.
This creates a chain reaction in the body and suddenly you're in pain even if the original injury is all better.

If you’re been living with chronic pain in your back shoulders, or even headaches then it's like you've been living with a short circuit in your nervous system. 

 And it's not just your muscles that are effected. Studies show that people dealing with chronic pain have lower levels of serotonin--the happiness hormone, and higher levels of cortica-- the stress hormone. 

 This means that chronic pain is literally making you more depressed.

How To Finally Eliminate Chronic Pain

So what's the solution?

Acupuncture but not the way you're picturing it.

Now I know what you're thinking...

Acupuncture? Isn't that expensive? 

 Don't I have to go somewhere for that? 

Doesn't that have to do with letting someone poke me with sharp needles?

Earseeds Are Acupuncture WITHOUT The Needles

Usually you'd be right, however I'm going to share with you a secret alternative that works just as well as acupuncture and doesn't use a single needle.

In fact this alternative is even better than traditional acupuncture because you can use this to get relief even while you sleep.

In fact wouldn't it be cool if there was an alternative that had all of the benefits of acupuncture and continued to work, even while you sleep?

If so then check this out..

The alternative I'm talking about, are called earseeds...

... and have been used by acupuncturists like me for decades to help patients get out of pain fast.

Earseeds Have Been Used For

Get Your FREE Earseeds Today

I want to give you earseeds for FREE you just cover the $9.00 shipping.  

PLUS I'll give you my Earseed Training where you'll learn how to use earseeds in under an hour

In This Training You'll Learn...

  • Anatomy of the Ear 101: We'll go over the anatomy of the ear and it's structures so you have a working understanding of its surfaces
  • ​My 3-Steps To Testing and Prepping The Ear:  You'll master the in's and out's of examining, cleaning, and preparing the ear to apply earseeds
  • How To Become An Earseeds Master: Learn how to get the most out of your earseeds and avoid the common pitfalls new users have when starting out with Earseeds!
  • ​Demystifying Earseed Chart: The secret weapon to mastering earseeds!  Learn to read earseed charts and open up a world of possibilities using this new skill to address all sorts of health issues.
  • Learn My Perfect Pain Relief Earseed Chart: I'll share with you my all-time favorite earseed chart for managing all types of pain. Perfect for anyone looking to learn how to get pain relief fast.
"okay..  but how much is it?"
Fill out the form below and I'll rush to send you your earseed kit (shipping and handling on me) Plus you will get INSTANT ACCESS to my Earseed Training Course where you will learn how to use Earseeds for pain relief.  

No need to go to an acupuncturists

No need to spend $100s making appointments

Instead I'll give all of this to you...
For FREE (+S&H)
Yes... for about the price of a dinner and a movie, you can get access to the solution I've used with dozens of patients and helped live pain free.
YES Chad! Send Me My Earseed Kit And Give Me Instant Access To The Training RIGHT NOW For FREE (Plus $9.00 S&H) !
Earseeds Work On All Types Of Pain
In fact...
Earseeds Have Been Used For...
  • Headache
  • Migraines
  •  Menstral Cramps
  • ​Neck Pain
  • ​Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • ​​ Low Back Pain
  • ​Arthritis 
  • ​Leg and Arm Pain
  • ​Post Workout Soreness
  • ​and more!
When You Order Your Set Of Free Earseeds (+S&H)
You'll Get These Two Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Quickstart Earseed Training
Learn How To Master Earseeds in 60-minutes
Total Value: $97
In this training you will learn how to use earseeds.  I take you from A to Z showing you how to get started FAST.

I also show you my favorite earseed protocol for working with 90% of chronic pain.  This protocol can't be found anywhere else.
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Earseed Kit Today! 
Bonus #2 - Earseed Pain Releif Charts
Discover How To Take Earseeds To the Next Level
Total Value: $37
I've picked my favorite and proven earseed charts for all types of chronic pain.  

Learn how to use earseeds for:
  • Back Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Headache
  • ​Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • ​Ankle and Wrist
  • ​Nerve and Muscular Pain
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Earseed Kit Today! 
WAIT...  What's the CATCH!

I want to make you just as obsessed with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Holistic Medicine as I am.

There I said it.

By offering my Earseed Kit and Training at such a low price, I want to make more and more people (like you) aware of just how powerful holistic therapies can be.  

Because I know when you see how easy and effective Earseeds are, you'll be hungry for more holistic solutions! 

And I want to be there to offer them to you. :)
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
I honestly don't know how long I'll be offering this deal.

I've only ordered around 2000 kits to sell in my initial run.  If they sell out fast, then the next batch might be 2x - 3x more expensive.

Lock in this deal while it's available.
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
Because I want to make sure you buy these with absolute confidence.  I'm offering a 30-Day Money back guarantee from from the day you receive your earseeds.

If you don't like your earseeds or don't feel like you've gotten any value from them.  Just email me and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

You don't even have to mail back the earseeds.

I'm doing this because it's not about the money, it's about YOU becoming empowered with an amazing new tool to use on yourself, your friends, and your family.

Fair enough?
Get Your Earseeds and Learn How To Get Chronic Pain Relief Today!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order Your Earseed Kit.
YES CHAD! Send My My Earseed Kit and Give me Instant Access To Training E-Book and Guided Meditation RIGHT NOW For Just $9.00!
  Earseed Kit Mailed To You (Free Shipping)  (Value $37)
  Access To Quickstart Earseed Video Training  (Value $97)
  Instant Access To Earseed Solution E-Book with Handpicked Chronic Pain Earseed Charts (Value $67)
Total Value: $201
Today FREE

(+$9.00 S&H)

I'm excited to hear how this changes your life and the lives of those you love.

Be well and be happy,
Chad Walker, L.Ac
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please speak with an appropriate healthcare professional when evaluating any wellness related therapy. Please read the full medical disclaimer before taking any of the products offered on this site. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Erased Kit and Training is for adults aged 18 and older. If you are pregnant or undergoing treatment for a medical condition, please consult your physician before using Earseeds.
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